Serve Our church
Fairview’s mission is to nurture lives to stand in Christ at every step, and we believe this mission requires all of God’s people to serve.
Jesus Christ is our example in all things, and “came not to be served, but to serve, and give his life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28). As breathing is to living, so serving is to being a Christian (Romans 12; 1 Corinthians 12:12-26; Philippians 2:5-11). Everyone at Fairview is called to serve somewhere—which is why one of our core values is “leading in our learning.” As we grow deeper, we are called to lead others in growing deeper too. So the main question for each of us is not, “If we should serve,” but “How should we serve?”
Ways to Serve Our Church
Fairview will always train and equip you for service, and if you don’t know where you are gifted or called to serve, we can help you discern God’s leading. Here are a few ways you might serve the church…
Help our children be nurtured in Sunday School, Children’s Church, or Wednesday Night Kids.
Volunteer with our youth as a Sunday School teacher, small group leader, or chaperone.
Teach or co-teach an adult Sunday School or Wednesday night class.
Sing in the 11AM Traditional Service choir.
Play or sing in 9AM Contemporary Service band.
Join our audio-visual team rotation.
Welcome guests and covenant partners on a Sunday morning Greeter / Usher Team.
Prepare and serve meals on a Wednesday night cooking team.
Pray on your own or with our prayer team.
Join and contribute to a committee or other team.
Serve as a Deacon or Elder.
Serve Our Community
Just as we believe every Christian should serve the church, we believe that God has called us to love our neighbors and community (Jeremiah 29:7; Luke 10:25-37). We are sent by Jesus Christ on the mission of sharing his love and word everyday and everywhere we go— in the places we work, play, and live. In missional living, we don’t do new or different things; we do what we’re already doing differently. We see things like walking the dog, going to the store, and chatting around the water cooler as opportunities to help others experience and learn about Jesus’s love and desires for them. All Christians are called to live on mission.
However, some of us are called and desire to serve our community above and beyond missional living; if that describes you, consider getting involved with one of our local ministry partners below.
Places to Serve Our Community
Ministries and ministry chapters started by Fairview covenant partners (members)
Ministry Focus: Building relationships with and supporting foster families, foster children, and case workers.
Ways to Serve: Join a Care Community to build relationships with foster families and to serve with them in prayer, childcare, meals, mentoring, and/or other assistance.
Ministry Focus: Providing clothing to foster children and supporting case workers.
Ways to Serve: Volunteer to help organize donations or donate clothing to Michael’s Closet.
Contact the church office to learn more.
Ministry Focus: Tutoring, children and adolescents.
Ways to Serve: Tutor students who reside in the North Augusta Gardens.
Contact the church office to learn more.
Partner Ministries
Ministry Focus: Preventing child abuse and neglect, building up and reuniting families, and supporting healthy communities
Ways to Serve: Mentoring residents and assisting with camps and events.
Ministry Focus: International Link ministers to people from across the globe who come to the CSRA for Augusta University, Fort Gordon, family, and more.
Ways to Serve: There are 100s of ways to apply your unique gifts. Some of the ways we serve include small groups, spiritual friendship, English ministry, behind the scenes, and more.
Ministry Focus: Feeding the hungry.
Ways to Serve: Serve on one of Fairview’s monthly food preparation and service teams at The Master’s Table Soup Kitchen.
Ministry Focus: Poverty relief and community development.
Ways to Serve: Donations of canned goods, personal items (e.g. , toothbrushes, soap, deodorant), plastic bags (for use in the food pantry). Monetary donations.
Ministry Focus: Assistance for low-income individuals and families.
Ways to Serve: Volunteer as a receptionist, intake interviewer, or in receiving and organizing donations. Monetary donations.
Ministry Focus: Glorifying God by building laborers on the campus for the lost world.
Ways to Support: Pray for Hope, for the new freshman classes to hear the Gospel and respond, and for the discipleship of college students in the CSRA. You can also support Hope financially using the link below.
Fairview partners with Hope Grinnell and Community Outreach in the CSRA.
Ministry Focus: CMDA Augusta is a ministry that develops Kingdom focused Discipleship, Outreach, and Community (“D.O.C.”) for healthcare professionals and students in CSRA.
Ways to Serve: Pray for Masaki and CMDA Augusta. Tell healthcare professionals and students about its ministry and opportunities for fellowship and Bible study. You can also support Masaki and CMDA financially. For more information on CMDA Augusta or giving, click on the link below.
Fairview partners with Masaki Chiba and the ministry of the Christian Medical and Dental Association in the CSRA.