Fairview’s mission is to nurture lives to stand in Christ at every step, and we believe that the ultimate fulfilment of our mission—and of all Creation—is the worship of God.
We affirm along with the Westminster Shorter Catechism that the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. God is our creator, and he made us out of the overflow of his love. And like anyone who loves, he desired to be known by his creation and his beloved. And so God’s goal in creation was, in many ways, to reveal himself and bring what we call glory—praise or renown—to his name. In other words, he desired for his creation to know and experience his goodness and love and then to return goodness and love to him. In fulfilling this design, we will be most fulfilled.
Substance in Our Worship is a core value at Fairview, and it means at least four things:
Words Based in the Word: We worship the risen Lord as he truly is rather than a god of our own imaginations, makings, or preferences. Our worship is based in what God has to say about himself in the Bible—his Word.
Liturgy that Leads to Life: We worship based on formative rhythms (liturgies) grounded in the gospel rather than our own sporadic inclinations and emotions. Our worship involves calls to worship, confession, and assurances of pardon both in our Sunday services and throughout our weeks.
Music that Magnifies God: We worship using all the creativity and gifts with which God has blessed us—art, poetry, and especially music. Our mutual music making is one expression of worship which glorifies God by aiming our thoughts, voices, and very selves toward him.
Prayer that Prepares: We worship a God who is near and who has taken on flesh, experiencing all that we experience and sympathizing with us in our weakness. He knows our hearts and that they are often not worshipful of him, and so our prayer is that he would prepare and accomplish his calling for us to worship.
Learn more about joining us for one of our Sunday morning worship services!